Carson Tate

Carson Tate

Founder, Productivity Expert, Author, Working Simply

Carson Tate is a productivity expert and the founder of Working Simply. She is the author of "Work Simply: Embracing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Style" (Penguin, January 2015). Carson also serves as a consultant, coach and trainer to executives at Fortune 500 companies including AbbVie, Deloitte, Wells Fargo and United Technologies. She is a nationally renowned expert on workplace productivity, whose views have been included in top-tier business media including Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, CBS Money Watch, Fast Company, Forbes, The New York Times, Shape, USA Today, Working Mother and more.

Working Simply is a management consultancy. Its partnerships with clients have one explicit goal — to help build a winning workforce in which their clients’ people leverage their productivity strengths to work simply each and every day. Working Simply offers customized solutions designed for enterprises to boost productivity, accelerate performance and develop high performance teams.